Category Archives: Astrology

Solstice Self Care Special

Children hack winter street lamp of autumn leaves


As the nights grow longer and the solstice approaches, our natural inclination is to slow down,  spend time relaxing, hibernating and turning inwards. Unfortunately for our natural rhythm, this time of year seems to get busier than ever with all kinds of holiday extras, parties and obligations. We race around  and have less time for ourselves and less time to listen to our inner voices. We typically eat and drink to excess, get less sleep, spend less time outside, and often spend less time on self care, just when we need it most. It’s so easy to fall of out balance.

This December, I want to offer you a way to take some time for yourself, honoring and nurturing your body, mind and soul with a two hour soul reading and energy healing session devoted to re-balancing your essence by tuning into to where you’re at right now, and where your soul wants to head. We’ll use the elemental forces of creation to tap into messages from the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and action realms to find out where you need more focus, or support, and we will align, re-balance and upgrade your energetic field.  Through this process, you will be able to clarify what you want to create  in your life over the next year. This could be anything from greater physical health, better relationships, more abundance, or  perhaps a deeper spiritual practice.

You can then use this clarity to plant the seeds for whatever creation you desire during the upcoming solstice, December 21st. The darkest time of the year is actually the most potent and ripe with creative potential. The intentions you set at this time will germinate, grow and ripen over the course of the year.

This powerful creation magic works best when we are in balance, body, mind and soul. Working with the archetypal forces of Creation: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit allows us to find that balance, and I would be honored to guide you through the process!

This Two-Hour Elemental Solstice Soul Care  Session with me is normally $222, but as my holiday gift to you, and the world, I’m booking a limited number of sessions for $88 (incl. GST).   If you’d like a one of my other sessions, such a soul ceremony, they are 25% off right now!

To book call Kacie at 780-863-5178 or email






Deepening Darkness, Preparing Us For The Light!

cc by 3.0
cc by 3.0


It’s dark so early here now. The sun was setting as I was driving home around 3:30pm yesterday. It’s probably not quite so drastic where you live, unless you are one of the few souls in the world who lives farther north than me (Edmonton is the most northern city of over a million people in the world!)

Anyway, this deepening darkness makes me sleepy. I feel this urge to slow down, to crawl under warm fuzzy blankets and hibernate, with cat/husband cuddles and Netflicks. I’m OK with this, especially now that I know that it’s only natural to have the desire to turn inward and slow down as we approach the darkest, longest night of the year. The challenge has been that my work schedule at the restaurant goes into overdrive at this time of the year with longer hours, crazier shifts, more hauling of furniture. It’s always tough, but this year, the light at the end of the tunnel  has been that by the end of this week, I’M DONE and I never have to do it again!


2 more days, and I’ll be hanging up my apron and tie for good. I’ll be waking up on the morning of the Solstice no longer employed my favorite fine dining establishment. After 12 years in the hospitality industry in one form or another, working evenings and weekends, eating at odd hours, smiling outwardly while cursing the ignorance of some people inwardly, I’m finally moving on.

I still have my work as an Artist in Residence, with Dani Alitiere Inc, teaching gymnastics, dance and acrobatics at elementary schools in the city, which is part time, contract work, but now I’ll have the room in my life to focus on my own projects like finding a publisher for my book(s) and building my business, Dancing Into Being Movement and Healing Arts.

The timing could not have been more organically divine.

I wound up giving my notice on the last full moon without realizing it. The full moon is the perfect time to release any old energy, and to give up whatever is no longer serving you. This creates room in your life for all the fresh new energy and experiences you’re ready to bring in.

December 21st this year, my first day as a free agent rather than an employee, is also the perfect day to begin my new life. It’s both the winter solstice, with the sun and new moon moving into Capricorn. The solstice is a potent time to plant the seeds of what you want to create with your intention throughout the coming year, and the new moon is always a fantastic time to set your intention for creation as well. These two energies coupled with the earthy, builder’s archetype of Capricorn make for the powerful window for creation we’ve seen (and will see) for quite some time!

This all lined up for me without my conscious intention, which seems to happen more and more since my training with the elemental forces of creation as a coach and priestess with Lisa Michaels, who offers an amazing variety of programs sharing nature’s creation secrets for life and business success (hint: there’s lots of dancing involved)   I laugh every time I notice my life is in step with the natural rhythm of the wheel of the year, because I felt separate from nature for so much of my life. Finding myself inadvertently in harmony with it all makes me feel divine, infinitely supported. Adding my conscious intention to these forces makes me feel like a magical being, it’s amazing what you can accomplish when you work with the elemental forces of creation!

To take full advantage of the power of creation during these next few days, I’m spending my time dreaming as much as I can about what I want my life to look like. Then on Sunday and Monday, I will take these dreams and turn them into seeds with my intention. I will plant them, my hopes, dreams, goals and wildest desires, deep within my heart and soul. Then I’m going to breathe, sing, and dance them into being using the ecstatic energy of the New Year’s festivities to add extra oomph to my creations. As the new year begins, I plan on ceremonially honoring my new life and all the gorgeous energy 2015 brings.

This next year is going to be a stellar one.

So even though you might be busy as can be this week, why not take advantage of these dark times and their potent creation potential?

Slow down as much as you can, dream your dreams in the dark stillness. See it clearly in your mind. Set your intentions; write them down, or draw them. Light a candle, drum or dance. Honor yourself as a vessel through which the universe creates beautiful things. Know that you light up the world with your radiance as you joyfully share your gifts! It’s time to let your light shine!

Me, being all shiny in Bali. Photo by Cadencia Photography



Full Moon Musings (Pisces Supermoon)



I seem to have fallen into the rhythm of writing on both the new moon and the full moon.

I’m OK with that.

The pattern reminds me that life is rhythmic and cyclical in nature, and that I’m subject to those rhythms the same way the tides are. That idea brings me peace somehow. I think I’ve mentioned how disconnected I used to feel from nature as a child. Tuning into the rhythms of the wheel of the year, and lunar cycle helps me feel more like a part of the world. It also really helps me to know what to focus on when.

I love doing all the things. I want all of the awesome in my life, but you can’t focus on all of the things, all of the time. Following the rhythms of the moon, the stars and the planet gives me the chance to focus on everything in turn.

Right now, for example, the full moon is in the sign of Pisces, and the sun is in Virgo. Knowing those three things, I have I have a bit of an idea both of what to focus on and what to expect.

As always, the lovely ladies at mysticmamma have compiled some amazing astral insight to give you a more in depth run down of what this Pisces supermoon is bringing us.

 On the days leading up to the full moon, I was more emotional than I am normally, and I did some major releasing (and by releasing, I mean sobbing uncontrollably for an hour). It was surprising and it seemed to come out of nowhere, although my husband was easily able to tell me all the unresolved emotions I had about things that had happened recently.  He’s so emotionally intelligent, and compassionate (at least when it comes to the people he loves) and I’m so very grateful for it. Seriously though, it was violently intense, I cried harder than I may have ever ried before… Afterwards I felt very empty. It was cathartic, and I had no idea how much tension and stress I had been carrying around for weeks/months..

When I read the words about this super moon from Divine Harmony (via Mystic Mamma), I felt both vindicated and comforted. She called this full moon “a waterworks full moon”.

“The Moon in any of the water signs is already very emotional, sensitive and receptive- but I would argue that Pisces is the most sensitive of all the signs…”
“With the Full Moon in Pisces we have a heightened sense of sensitivity– which could bring us to the point of bliss or to the point of pain and suffering.
“If you find yourself in tears leading up to this Full Moon- now you know why. (I think crying is good- it helps you to release all that you are holding onto.)

So… It’s not just me and I’m not crazy. Even though I knew that to be the case, there is something tremendously comforting about having that shared experience and having an explanation for it.

As I said, I felt a million times lighter after releasing so much. Did you know we actually release stress hormones in our tears? We are literally cleansing our bodies when we cry. There are tons of health benefits to tears, another reason not to try to keep it all in.

Anyway, I wasn’t quite done “releasing” and a few days later, when I was listening to a Songza bedtime playlist, a Mozart piece came on and I was instantly transported back in time to my Grandma’s last days in the hospital. I vividly saw her listening to one of her favorite Opera Arias. Then I started to remember so many other things, and I missed her terribly. I cried and cried again. This time, sobbing in the bathroom in the dark. I didn’t cry like this when she was dying, or after she passed, because I rationally knew how it was time, and that I would still be in contact with her energy, etc, etc. I cried, but not like this..

These were the tears of my inner child, who missed her terribly. I let myself cry and then, suddenly, as always seems to happen, I was finished and felt lighter again, and at peace.

I don’t think I could have cried like this all those months ago. The timing needed to be right, and the stars needed to align and then I really didn’t have a choice in the matter. The tears just came.

So, if you have anything you’ve been saving up, emotions you’ve been hoarding, or rationalizing away… This is the perfect time to let them out. Let yourself really feel them. You won’t drown in them, but once you really let yourself feel them, they’ll move through you and out of you. Opening up space for whatever happens next.

The full moon is always such an interesting ride.

Using the Virgo New Moon


The new moon is always a potent time to plant the seeds of creation, and today the new moon happens to be in Virgo (with the Sun in Virgo as well). Double Virgo must be why I’ve been so incredibly productive today when it comes to checking things off my list, and getting practical, administrative business details dealt with. That’s usually not my favorite jam, but after a 3 hour dance rehearsal today (for my new job which I’ll tell you about soon), I sat down an my computer, turned on a Spotify working playlist (Spotify where have you been all my life?? Seriously, how did I just start using this?), and worked for hours on a bunch of loose ends I’ve been needing to tie up. I also created a new facebook page for this website and my workshops, which you can like here.

I had actually forgotten it was the new moon completely, but boy have I been tapped into the Virgo priestess energy. The Virgo priestess archetype honors the sacred in the mundane daily tasks that need to be done. She’s a pro at getting things organized. In fact, very little thrills many of my Virgo friends more than making lists and checking things off them. It goes deeper than just crossing off tasks. Way deeper. According to Kari Samuels, intuitive counselor and happiness coach:

With the sun and moon in earthy Virgo, this month is all about reinventing your lifestyle so you can create a life that is pleasing to your senses as well as your soul. This new moon is particularly powerful because we have a conjunction of Mars (passion) and Saturn (practicality) that comes only once every two years. When these two powerhouses come together you get a marriage of desire-fueled ambition with common-sense action. Together, they help you build your dreams from the ground up.

I’m in the middle of changing my lifestyle and my livelihood right now, so I am going to ride this energy as hard as I can. That new job I mentioned is a super exciting game changer for me. I’m going to be an artist in residence with Dani Altier Inc, offering gymnastics, acrobatics and dance residencies at elementary schools starting this fall!

If you had asked me even two years ago if I would be interested in working with kids the answer would have been a no. Ten years ago, it would have been a HELL no! My how things (and people) change!

It all came about in a magical way as well. My hours at the restaurant were dropping because of how slow it is in the summer and I told the universe to bring me some other income making opportunities where I could share my gifts with the world. Then a few days later, I ran into Dani with my hoops at the Art Walk. She was with some friends of one of my friends, having a dance party to the techno music playing in the park with this gorgeous little girl. I went over to say hi and wound up hoop dancing for this lovely year and half year old with the most amazing blue eyes. She was mesmerized and had a great time when I let her play with my hoops. This chance encounter seems even more magical when I learned Dani had been asking the universe to send an someone her way. Someone who could teach her units proficiently but didn’t have too much experience (so they would still need her). Her online job posting says “The right candidate is the rare mix of part Artist, part Educator and part Entertainer.

The universe definitely conspired to have us cross paths! It’s funny, even thought my hoops brought us together, this isn’t a hoop dance adventure.

It’s going to be an exciting new chapter in my life, and I can’t wait. We started with rehearsals today. It will be an interesting transition as I juggle staying on part time at the restaurant, with these new residencies and balancing my own workshops and healing practice, but I have the tools to stay on track. Working with the wheel of the year, the sun, the moon, and the elemental forces gives me the structure to take  grounded, rhythmic steps to integrate all of these separate elements and dance my dreams into being.


My Lughnasad Harvest: First Draft Complete!!!!

By icely88 cc by SA 3.0
Book Lover By icely88 cc by SA 3.0

Exciting news!!!! With perfect organic timing lining up with the wheel of the year: I finished the first draft of my (first) book!

The book in question is about my 2013 project, where I listened to every message from my body. It’s tentatively titled, Adventures in Radical Self Care.

It was an incredibly epic year, filled with all sorts of crazy unexpected adventures. I challenged myself in a whole bunch of ways and I traveled to sacred places. I learned so much about myself and I hooped. I hooped a lot. I blogged the whole time thankfully, so I was able to base the book loosely on the blog posts, which was a huge help during the writing process. Throughout the course of the year, I also became a Reiki Master, and started the journeys towards becoming a Natural Rhythms Creation Coach and a Priestess (which I finished in the first part of 2014). In those programs, I learned to work consciously with the wheel of the year and take organic, rhythmic steps towards manifesting and creating, working with the elemental forces of creation.

Last year, in the fall, I realized that the book I had always intended to write should be started in January, as soon as my year long project was over. I always wanted to write someday, and when I started the project, writing about it was in the back of my mind, but suddenly writing a book  wasn’t something I would get around to someday. The time came to actually sit down at my desk and really become a writer.  Shit was getting real! During the winter solstice last year, I set the intention to begin writing in the new year and consciously planted the seeds in my mind… I’ve been slowly working on it since then, at a pace that seemed lazy to me, but it was what naturally unfolded. Then, just this week, I wrote the conclusion and afterword. It just so happened to co-inside with the timing of the first harvest festivals Lughnasad (sometimes called Lammas)! How perfect is that? It’s usually celebrated at the beginning of August, but this year, the exact astrological point is August 7th. (The same time I met my husband 6 years ago, so it’s always been a great time for me.)

Lughnasad is the cross quarter point between the summer solstice and the fall equinox and a time when we are just starting to reap the bounty which we have sown and tended to throughout the year. We can start to taste the sweet fruit of whatever we planted. It feels so very perfect, and very human and divine to have this part of the project completed just now. I honestly am so excited that it all lined up so well, ’cause it really feels like I’ve internalized the lessons about timing that I’d been working with so closely. Thank you Lisa Michaels!!! (Best teacher, mentor and facilitator I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with!) She’s so generous with her time, knowledge and experience and I’m so grateful for all the wisdom she’s shared with me over the years.

So, that’s it, it’s really happening, I really did it. I wrote a book! Now it’s on to editing and revising. I’ll do the second draft myself and my sister has so graciously offered to edit as well. Then to find a publisher, or even publish it myself. But it’s really happening!!!!! Whoohooooo!!!

Happy Lughnasad to you all and happy August long weekend! I hope you’re starting to notice your intentional creations come into form!




Super Self Care Moon!!!!

Super Moon by Tim MCcord
Super Moon by Tim MCcord


The moon last night, 2 days away from it’s peak fullness, was absolutely mesmerizing. It was this amazingly huge yellow disk hanging low in the sky. I wish I had stopped to take a picture, but I was so busy drinking it in I forgot. I sometimes wonder what I must look like, standing in front of my house, staring up at the sky, moonlight showering my face split wide with a huge grin! It just makes me so happy!

This moon in particular is a super resonant and powerful one for me. The moon is in earthy, responsible, mature Capricorn and the sun is in watery, nurturing and loving Cancer. A few years ago that combo of signs would have left me cold. Cold, wet and uninspired. But my journey to become a priestess and creation coach has taken me to a place of deep appreciation for every element and sign, and now I can see the magic in each of them and their delicious combos. My focus and mission in life is supporting and inspiring the self care of light workers. This full moon is like rocket fuel for self care and I’m so excited to bask in it’s nurturing energy!

Lisa Michaels‘ captures the essence perfectly here.  It’s time to focus on responsible nurturing, on every level and she has many fantastic suggestions on how to do that for your personal life and business.

Capricorn has a wonderful builder’s energy. This archetype is interested in creating structures and foundations that will last for seven generations to come. This isn’t a time to pay lip service to the idea of taking better care of yourself. The full moon allows you to release any energy that is no longer serving you. Once you let you of that old stuff, you have room for anything new you want to create. You can tap into that Capricorn ability to build a lasting structure or routine that will enhance your very core. Since both Capricorn and Cancer are householder signs, it’s a fantastic time to look at the structures you have in place in your home. It’s the perfect time to create time and space to nurture your body, mind and soul with your conscious intention. Do you need to carve out a peaceful place to sit and meditate, or maybe organize your kitchen and shopping habits so you can easily cook nourishing and healthy meals? Or perhaps it’s time to make room in your home and your schedule for exercise, stretching, dance or art?

Take the time to listen to yourself, to your own inner guidance (Capricorn’s wise elder/leader energy will help you to hear your own wisdom) and do whatever it says you need to do to nourish yourself. You are the expert on your own life, and even though there is inspiration everywhere, only you know what will work best for you!

I know you’re busy and it’s hard to find time for yourelf with all the important things you have to do for work, for your family and your friends, but please remember: Taking time for self care allows you to recharge and refuel, giving you more energy to do everything else you need to do. Without nourishing yourself, you’ll start to burn out, dimming your radiant light. The healthier and happier you are (and self care levels up both of those things exponentially), the brighter you can shine, and that’s really what we all came here to do.

If you have a chance this weekend, spend some time in the moonlight, drinking it in, listening to it’s song and hearing your soul’s song rising up in beautiful harmony with the cosmic symphony. Dance to that song! If you wind up dancing naked in the moonlight, all the better!

Be well, and take precious care of yourselves friends, bright shining stars that you are!

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found on


Cancer Sun, Cancer New Moon… Musings On Flow, Nurturing and Wu Wei

You might be finding this time a little intense if you have busy lately and haven’t had much time to relax, and just be. If you’ve been bottling up feelings, they just might be leaking out, and that’s OK, (although I know it may not seem like it). With both the sun and the new moon in the watery sign of Cancer, you might need to take a little extra care of yourself today. Cancer is the most nurturing of all the signs, so it’s the perfect time to honor your needs (especially when it comes to the feeling realm).

I know I’ve been feeling a little run down, needing some extra rest and relaxation, but it’s my fiery nature’s first impulse is push on, keep going and just keep doing all the things! Fortunately the universe has been on my side, and even though I was supposed to work a double, I was cut for both of my shifts. However, instead of being grateful for the opportunity to rest, I thought I should get as much running around done as possible, so I would have more time to rest tomorrow! That doesn’t really make much sense when I break it down though, since I need the rest right now and I don’t want to do anything!

Thing is though, when there are things I could be doing, I always feel guilty spending time just chilling out. I start “shoulding” on myself. You should do this, do that, etc, etc.

I forget that sometimes you need to do nothing, to be able to do everything. I know from experience how if I take the time to relax, my energy to do all the things comes rushing back to me, but I still forget, or perhaps, refuse to believe that I need some downtime. I have a deep seated fear of being lazy and not accomplishing anything.

New moons are a potent time to plant seeds of intention, so today I am choosing to accept and honor my need for chill time, releasing the guilt associated with ‘doing nothing’, and remembering that recharging my batteries is a completely acceptable way of passing time. It’s not ‘being lazy’, it’s spending time nurturing myself!

I choose to align myself with the element of water that surrounds me today and float along with the current, rather than struggling against it (good advice if you’re ever caught in a rip tide, by the way).

I choose to delve back into my love affair with Tao, and the principle of Wu Wei (effortless action), which coincides so beautifully with my love of the flow arts. Flow is effortless action, and it’s what we aim for when spin our props and what I try to do in the rest of my life as well. Flowing effortlessly, with grace and ease, allowing what is to simply be, surrendering to the moment, rather than fighting to control actions or outcomes. I know when I do this when I’m spinning my movements become a graceful dance that feels better than anything I else I’ve ever experienced. The same holds true for when I relax and flow with the way life takes me.

Resistance creates tension, wheras relaxation and surrender create both peace and strength!

The story I remember most vividly from my Taoist studies in university is about the strength that comes from Wu Wei. Our teacher asked us, which is stronger, rock or water? Rock may seem like the stronger material, heavy and unyielding, but place a boulder in a river where the water just flows around it (taking the path of least resistance, effortless action), that water will eventually wear the boulder down to a grain of sand.

Today, rather than doing all the things that I “should do”, fighting my feelings and desires, I’m just going to float and let myself feel the way I feel, nurture myself, body, mind and soul, and maybe take some extra time to play.

Photo by Cadencia Photography
Photo by Cadencia Photography

Happy Solstice- Time To Play In All The Light!


Photo from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) by Dr. Alex C. Young
Photo from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) by Dr. Alex C. Young

I absolutely adore the solstice points of the year: these curious moments where time seems to stand still, like the pause between breaths. Since the winter solstice, the Earth has been slowly inhaling. The days have been getting longer. Almost imperceptibly  at first, but living this far North, I noticed the sun setting at 11pm last night (with the most glorious colors!)

Today is the longest day,  the apex of that arc that begins to descend tomorrow, as the Earth begins to slowly exhale, with the days becoming shorter and we retreat back into that deep dark space of internal reflection and creation before the light comes back. But enough about the darkness, plenty of time for that later. Right now it’s time to celebrate the light!!!! It’s a great time to notice how the seeds of intention you planted in the darkest times are ripening! It’s been exciting to watch my own creations take form and blossom with the transformational power of the solar force that rules our lives! Cheers to you, Sun!

Also exciting, this solstice marks the day the Sun moves into Cancer, the comfortable loving, nurturing water sign. Water is the element that you can magnetize with your intention and its primary power is love, which makes this the perfect time to bath yourself in the healing powers of both love and light (my two favorite things!!!)

It would be a spectacular day to surround yourself with your loved ones and play in this energy, spending time outside in the light, bonus points if you can spend time in or around water! Refresh and replenish your spirit with fun activities and light nourishing foods directly from the earth (skipping the pop tarts in favor of garden carrots or fresh picked raspberries perhaps!).

It’s also a perfect time to celebrate the change in the seasons! It’s summer time for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, and that’s definitely something I’m going to celebrate. Time to laugh, dance and play. Honor the abundance that summer brings, and spend some time deeply appreciating all the love and light surrounding you today, symbolically, metaphorically and literally!

I plan on spending the day with my family, eating and playing together, shopping for a new lego set and then I’ll be dressing up like a zebra and heading to the Zoo with Flowscience as we dance and light up the night with our LED props.

Zebra Kacie sends love, light and happiness to you all. I’ll leave you with the song ‘Here comes the Sun’ that synchronistically started playing just now by Phaeleh from his album tides:


Zebra Kacie at Astral Harvest Photo by Ra Osiris
Zebra Kacie at Astral Harvest Photo by Ra Osiris


Scorpio Full Moon: Washing Away The Last Few Walls

by Hardwig HKD cc by 2.0
by Hardwig HKD cc by 2.0

I always love the moon, and I’m ever so mesmerized by it when it’s full. Last night, I had a hard time watching the road as I was driving home. It was just shade away fullness, and it was hanging low in the early evening sky. Every time I was stopped at a light I would have to stare at it, sometimes getting lost in the images and sensations I see in it’s fullness. Something about it fills me with feelings of infinite possibilities and perfect freedom.

The new moon is a beautiful time for planting seeds of intention and creation. It’s also a time of infinite possibilities, representing all that can be;  but I connect more deeply to the freedom and joyful, ecstatic releasing of what no longer serves me when the moon is full. I feel like every time I let go of something, I have more room within my soul for something greater. I love the expansive feeling of emptiness inside my spirit, as an empty vessel ready for whatever is coming next.

This full moon is in watery Scorpio, a sign that has made me uneasy in the past. I’m really more of an earth and fire gal, and I’m very comfortable with the mental realm of air, but the deeply emotional element of water was out of my realm of experience and expertise for much of my life. I honestly didn’t like human emotions until fairly recently, especially not the deep, painful, confusing ones. It took me a long time to appreciate them as beautiful teachers: an integral part of the human experience.

Working consciously with the elements over the last few years I’ve developed a deep respect for the cleansing power of water. I no longer shy away from my feelings, but I welcome them into my body for me to fully experience. Surrendering to, rather than fighting  whatever feelings arise allows the natural ebb and flow of emotions to happen gracefully. After being fully experienced, the feelings are washed away, always leaving me feeling light and free. They no longer frighten me.

With this full moon, I welcome that cleansing water into my heart, to wash out the remaining walls I hold there. I’ve been slowly breaking these walls down and now I’m ready to smash the last bits away, honoring them for protecting me so well, and sending them back into the light with gratitude.

I am ready to open my heart all the way, to love and connect more deeply with all those I encounter.


Here are more beautiful insights on the Scorpio Full Moon from Mystic Mama.



Virgo Full Moon Crimson Tides

By Caerwynentllc, cc by 3.0
By Caerwynentllc, cc by 3.0

I’ve been having an intense experience with this Virgo full moon. I’ve boasted before that full moons don’t really get to me, but I could feel the full weight of it upon me this weekend. I was reluctant to write about the experience earlier not only because it felt deeply personal, but also I was also confused as to what exactly was happening with it’s powerful energy.

Virgo is the priestess archetype. She is an Earth sign and she reminds us to perform our sacred duties and take care of all the details in our lives. She calls us to honor the sacred within the mundane tasks of our daily lives, helping us to understand that in truth, the difference between the sacred and mundane is an illusion. All is sacred, especially our connection to the Earth through our bodies. The Virgo priestess celebrates the passing of time ceremonially and with great reverence. She loves to honor the seasons, births, deaths, weddings, anniversaries… Any excuse for a ceremony will do!

I’ve been learning how to actively work with this priestess energy since I stepped into the Priestess Process back on the Virgo New Moon in September. It’s been a lovely and powerfully introspective journey  so far and it all feels so familiar. It feels like I’ve simply been reawakening  the parts of myself that were lying dormant. None of the the energies are new-they actually feel ancient. Their awakening has connected me more deeply to my inner self, my ancestors, my lineage, to all of my sisters on the planet, to the earth herself- to everything really. I can’t begin to explain how worthwhile it has been, and now that we’re preparing for our emergence it feels like these energies are rising even more powerfully in my life.

Case in point: this Virgo  full moon energy has literally been stirring things up within me, in my womb; my power center of creativity. Since going off hormonal contraceptives last year my cycle has been unpredictable. For the first few months I was synced right up with the new moon and I felt proud that my body seemed to get back on track so quickly. I had read that you were supposed to bleed with the new moon, so everything seemed to be in order.

Then, as the year went on, things became a little more unsettled, with cycles of varying lengths. I’m sure all the travel didn’t help and the timing of my cycles switched back and forth from new moon to full moon and to something in between. It was all very confusing as I attempted to track and make sense of it all as part of my practice of listening to my body.

Then  today with the light of the full moon, I began my cycle (after a longer than usual time) and it felt significant some how. Using my google-fu I found an article on  Yogagodess called ‘Should your period land on the new moon or the full moon to be in sync with nature?’ written by Zhara Haji. She revealed that there are two traditional moon cycles for women: the red moon (full moon) and the white moon (new moon).

You won’t find a lot of literature about women who cycle with the Red Moon.  My guess is that’s because of what menstruating with the full moon represented in the past.  According to Miranda Gray, this cycle was linked to the archetype of the seductress, the enchantress and the woman who knew how to wield healing power and magic.  This was the kind of woman whose sexuality was applied to something ‘other than’ the formation of the next generation. The woman who dives deep into her depths to develop her self-awareness and then turns her energy out to help the world She was considered by our patriarchal ancestors as the ‘evil woman.’

In truth, the Red Moon cycle belonged to the medicine women, to the mid-wives, the magic-makers and the wisdom keepers of the community.  These women were not focusing their feminine energies to give birth to children. Rather their energy was used to empower other women and their communities. -Zahra Haji

Zhara summarizes this energy as  “The woman who dives deep into her depths to develop her self-awareness and then turns her energy out to help the world”. This archetypal energy resonated with me in such a deep way that reading these words was like having a bucket of cold water poured over my soul, jolting me awake, reminding me that this is who I am, this healer woman, priestess in service to spirit and to all of the universe.

Deep, deep gratitude for this new level of awareness of how my body is deeply connected to the earth, the moon and the star, reflecting the mysteries: As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.

Full moon blessings to you all!