Belief Re-Patterning


If you believe you can, you can. If you don’t believe you can, you won’t!

The limits to our success and enjoyment of life are our conscious and unconscious belief systems. Life responds to what we are thinking, and will bring you exactly what you expect!

Belief Re-patterning uses cognitive science and learning theory to give you the tools to consciously shape your belief systems and how you see (and be) in the world.  Your intention is how you consciously create. Magic is simply a focused use of intention with such feeling that you will it into being.  Abracadabara actually means, I create as I speak. Our language gives shape to our reality. We are basically in a Choose Your Own Adventure scenario where our mindset and perspective shape our reality.

I would love to help you and your family refine your language so you can create a joyful, playful life of abundance, grace and ease, aligned with your intuition, where you are able to fully own, embrace and be who you truly are. This feeling of alignment is so magical. My mission is to share that with you, and everyone I meet. I love working with tiny humans, teens and adults (so, basically everyone!)

Belief Re-patterning Session can be offered in person, online or via phone. They are gentle yet, incredibly powerful session that use the power of language, our focus and intention to use an unsupportive belief, with gratitude as a starting point, that helps us know how we would rather be instead. The beliefs that supported us in times of survival, may not be as helpful when we are ready to thrive.

If you are an energetically sensitive person, you will feel energy move through you, as in a reiki or soul ceremony session. This powerful modality is truly life changing, and very supportive in helping you live your best life, shiny and happy!

Session with Kacie, licenced Belief Specialist: $111 + GST per hour

Contact us at 780-863-5178 to book, or at


I envision a world full of people who understand that they create their reality through the lens of their own beliefs, who actively co-create a world full of peace, love, harmony, growth, exploration, learning, fun, play, dance and magic.

**Know Yourself, Love Yourself, Love Your Life, Be Yourself. Shine Your light & Find Your Magic.**


More info on Belief Re-Patterning at