Monthly Archives: July 2014

Super Self Care Moon!!!!

Super Moon by Tim MCcord
Super Moon by Tim MCcord


The moon last night, 2 days away from it’s peak fullness, was absolutely mesmerizing. It was this amazingly huge yellow disk hanging low in the sky. I wish I had stopped to take a picture, but I was so busy drinking it in I forgot. I sometimes wonder what I must look like, standing in front of my house, staring up at the sky, moonlight showering my face split wide with a huge grin! It just makes me so happy!

This moon in particular is a super resonant and powerful one for me. The moon is in earthy, responsible, mature Capricorn and the sun is in watery, nurturing and loving Cancer. A few years ago that combo of signs would have left me cold. Cold, wet and uninspired. But my journey to become a priestess and creation coach has taken me to a place of deep appreciation for every element and sign, and now I can see the magic in each of them and their delicious combos. My focus and mission in life is supporting and inspiring the self care of light workers. This full moon is like rocket fuel for self care and I’m so excited to bask in it’s nurturing energy!

Lisa Michaels‘ captures the essence perfectly here.  It’s time to focus on responsible nurturing, on every level and she has many fantastic suggestions on how to do that for your personal life and business.

Capricorn has a wonderful builder’s energy. This archetype is interested in creating structures and foundations that will last for seven generations to come. This isn’t a time to pay lip service to the idea of taking better care of yourself. The full moon allows you to release any energy that is no longer serving you. Once you let you of that old stuff, you have room for anything new you want to create. You can tap into that Capricorn ability to build a lasting structure or routine that will enhance your very core. Since both Capricorn and Cancer are householder signs, it’s a fantastic time to look at the structures you have in place in your home. It’s the perfect time to create time and space to nurture your body, mind and soul with your conscious intention. Do you need to carve out a peaceful place to sit and meditate, or maybe organize your kitchen and shopping habits so you can easily cook nourishing and healthy meals? Or perhaps it’s time to make room in your home and your schedule for exercise, stretching, dance or art?

Take the time to listen to yourself, to your own inner guidance (Capricorn’s wise elder/leader energy will help you to hear your own wisdom) and do whatever it says you need to do to nourish yourself. You are the expert on your own life, and even though there is inspiration everywhere, only you know what will work best for you!

I know you’re busy and it’s hard to find time for yourelf with all the important things you have to do for work, for your family and your friends, but please remember: Taking time for self care allows you to recharge and refuel, giving you more energy to do everything else you need to do. Without nourishing yourself, you’ll start to burn out, dimming your radiant light. The healthier and happier you are (and self care levels up both of those things exponentially), the brighter you can shine, and that’s really what we all came here to do.

If you have a chance this weekend, spend some time in the moonlight, drinking it in, listening to it’s song and hearing your soul’s song rising up in beautiful harmony with the cosmic symphony. Dance to that song! If you wind up dancing naked in the moonlight, all the better!

Be well, and take precious care of yourselves friends, bright shining stars that you are!

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Medicine Hoop Retreat!!!!!


I have somehow neglected to mention a super exciting upcoming event in my life…

I will be co-hosting a Medicine Hoop Retreat: Sacred Play For the Divine Feminine with my good friend Cookie (Jen Cookson) August 16th and 17th, 2014 in Argenta, BC (which happens to be in the breathtakingly gorgeous Kootenay mountains!)

We will be honoring the divine feminine through movement meditation, dance, flow arts, shamanic journeys and all kinds of other fun activities. We’ll be connecting to the Earth as we camp outside,  spin fire and dance under the stars. We’ll be nourishing our bodies with healthy, delicious food. We’ll be feeding our souls by taking some time to step out of our daily routine to dance, play and make new friends!

I’m excited beyond words to share the weekend with all of the beautiful beings who are going to be joining us.

This is a fantastic opportunity to really take some time for yourself to refresh your soul and fill up your cup before the end of summer.

If you’ve ever wanted to learn to hoop dance or use a flow wand, this is a perfect opportunity in a serenely supportive environment. We’ll also have multi-level classes conceptual classes designed for newbie hoopers and baddasses alike to grow and challenge themselves.

I’m stoked to share my Hooping With Wild Abandon workshop, as well as lead a movement meditation class. I’ll also be offering private hoop dance or energy healing sessions if you’re interested in a level up for your practice, and your life!

Today is the last day for Early Bird tickets, but we still have spots available and we would love to have you join us! Come to the Kooteney’s and play with us! I can’t wait to dance with you!


The Hoop Priestess and The Hoop Shaman together again!
The Hoop Priestess and The Hoop Shaman together again!