Monthly Archives: August 2016

My Magical Creation

Photo by Stephanie T.Photography


I have been lost in the most blissful, amazing and challenging time of my life, completely captivated by this magical being from the stars that I am so honored to call my daughter. She’s almost 4 months old, and things are finally settled enough into the new normal that I even thought of my blog. I figured it was time to introduce you to Charlie Starfire!

Photo by Stephanie T.Photography

If you want more beautiful, captivating shots of her freshly evicted from my womb (two weeks after our guess date), you can see the amazing set at Stephanie T. Photography’s blog,  If you are in the Edmonton Area, I can’t recommend Steph enough. She’s a joy to work with. It’s tougher than you think to get these adorable shots!  In the first one, my husband is actually laying under that blanket.

The experience of becoming a mother is all encompassing. It’s the most potent transformation I can think of, and it has been incredible, exceeding all of my expectations. I tried to prepare myself for how hard it would be, and since I was 15 and a half when my triplet siblings were born I had a very real idea of just how crazy it could get. Since there is only one of Charlie, I have been pleasantly surprised by the whole thing. Sure, there are times that have been tough, but I guess I wasn’t factoring how much the love overwhelms the rest of it. I also didn’t realize just how tough and isolating it can be with how spread my family is. It is the craziest, most wonderful roller coaster ride I could have imagined.

I could write and rhapsodize about motherhood endlessly, but her nap will only be so long, and momma needs to eat too.