Monthly Archives: June 2015

Joyful June and The Sagittarius Full Moon!

Can you feel the amazing energy of this month already?

When I sat down to meditate this morning, my entire being was captivated by this joyful, swirling, expansive energy that I could feel spread out before me. June is going to be a crazy, beautiful month full of all the things I love. I have this week to prepare and ground myself for all the awesome that’s in store. We’re kicking the whole month off with the full moon in Sagittarius (Sun in Gemini), which adds an fantastic expansive, inspired, yet lighthearted quality to the energy right now. If you’re interested in more about that, here’s Lisa Michael’s with how you can work effectively with the energy.

For a peek into some of the numerology of the month, here’s Kari Samuel’s  Joyful June Forecast:

She says your adventures this month are sure to put a smile on your face. That’s a given, Kari. I’m so excited about all of it. She also shared 5 things to do to have a magical month: Try new things, socialize, learn (through your five senses), have fun and express yourself. Since I’m spending all month teaching, learning and dancing at different festivals and schools, I think I have all of those covered.

Spin Out is happening June 12th to 15th. I love this festival because you get to do all the things!!! It’s billed as summer camp for grown ups. It’s a magical place full of fun, friends and fire. Also, I get to play in the kitchen since my husband is catering again (and I get to help plan the menu, yay!!)

I’ll be at Elysium Music and Arts Festival in Saskatchewan,  June 26th to 29th, offering workshops in hoop dance, movement meditation and conscious dance and then barely home to catch my breath and do laundry before heading up north to my favorite festival of all time, Astral Harvest, July 2nd to 5th. I’m beyond excited for this one, where for the first time I’ll be facilitating a conference (Energy Balancing with the Elements) as well as offering a Twins hoop dance workshop.

There’s a lot coming up, but I feel inspired rather than overwhelmed. The full moon right now is also empowering me to let go of some old ideas and projects that I was still clinging to. Some of you might know I wrote a book last year, and I have been sending query letters out to agents, but my heart really hasn’t been in it. I realized today that I don’t actually want to get the book published. I’m so glad I wrote it, but it’s full of old energy and I want to release the past and free myself up to concentrate on a whole lot of new, exciting projects that are filling my heart with joy. Even though I always want to do all the things, I know that I have to do some pruning, so I am releasing projects are no longer jiving with where I’m at right now.

There is some exciting stuff on the burner, so stay tuned for announcements, and enjoy Joyful June! Do those things that make your heart sing! Then do more of that!

Love, light and laughter to you my friends!