All posts by bringingyouohm

About bringingyouohm

I love life and everything in it. It's fun, and really, it's all about the love.

Hoop Dreaming: Intro to Spirit


Hoop Dreaming is just two weeks away, happening in Edmonton, March 29th to 31st, 2019. Each week we have introduced one of the elements we will be journeying with in a quick video. This week, Kacie shares about the element of Spirit, here. This is the spark, or ineffable essence around us, and within us. You could call it soul, spirit, spark, divine  or fuzzy bit.  It is the thing that makes us ourselves, and alive.  As we dance with spirit, we will be practicing sustained spinning, which brings us in greater alignment with the universe and ourselves. When are in stillness, everything else in the universe is in motion around us, and even the molecules inside us are still spinning. Spinning ourselves, like whirling dervishes places us in alignment with all that is.

We will also be dancing in ways that allows us to dance our own essence . We each have our own perfectly unique movement style and allowing our spirits to be leaders in our dance lets this essence out to play and celebrate.

Find more information about Hoop Dreaming here.

Tickets are on sale now, $111 + GST for the weekend, available here.

Hoop Dreaming: Intro to Air (The Mental Realm)


Hoop Dreaming:  A three day hoop dance journey through the elemental forces of creation is happening on March 29th to 31st, 2019 in Edmonton, Alberta. In this three day workshop, we will be using the archetypal structures of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit to focus on the mirror of the inner world with the outer world. Each week, Kacie, our facilitator has created a short video for you introducing the element and drawing a card from the Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle deck from Lisa Michaels.

In this week’s video, Kacie introduces us to the Mental Realm, Air, where our thoughts and belief systems reside. This is also the angelic realm and the realm of vibrational healing modalities such as sound, light and energy work. In Hoop Dreaming, we will be using the Air realm to access any conscious and unconscious belief systems that might be holding us back from our dreams, or even from allowing us to dream big! We will use the visionary perspective of air in our hoop dance to expand our dreams and then dance them into being.

Here is Kacie, with more.

Tickets to Hoop Dreaming are on sale now, for $111 + GST per person.

More information is available here.



Hoop Dreaming: Water- The Emotional Realm


In just 4 weeks, we will be dancing together at Hoop Dreaming, a dance journey through the elemental forces of creation: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit.  In this video here, our facilitator Kacie gives us a brief introduction to Water: The emotional realm.

Through movement, and of course Hoop Dance, we can move feelings through our bodies that might otherwise get stuck. This allows us to have a clear, clean emotional current, rather than a stagnant swamp that can fester within us and create disease. Movement and dance are medicine and dancing with the elements allows us to come into harmony with both the world around us and our inner worlds.

We will be dancing with Water on Day 2 of Hoop Dreaming. . More information on the event is available at this link.   Tickets are on sale now for $111 + GST for this 3 day gift to yourself.

New Summer Offerings!

We are already booking into summer 2019, and we are excited to offer two new playshops for kids to add to our previous hoop dance, hip hop and disco party line up!


A blend of prop manipulation and clowning around, this fun workshop will have the kids experience juggling scarves, balancing feathers, hula hoops and ribbons, creating art that moves, to music!


This dance experience fosters emotional literacy and a growth mindset through a variety of games, interactive partner work and freestyle dance. We will play with different dynamics in movement, music and feelings, from high and low, fast and slow to legato and staccato. Kids will learn they can shift their mindset, through movement, music and the language they choose, offering them a valuable life lesson through creative self expression.

Prices start at $150 + GST for an hour, $125 for additional hours.

Our full offerings including half and full day programs can be found here.

For booking inquiries please contact Kacie at 780-863-5178 or


New Kids Hoop Dance Series


Kids love hula hoops of all shapes and sizes.

We are thrilled to be partnering with West Meadowlark Hall to offer an 8 week kids hoop dance series for kids ages 6-12. Classes will take advantage of Thursday early dismissal days and run from 4:00-5:00 pm from April 4th to May 23rd, 2019.

No experience necessary, as this is a multi level course. We will begin with the basics, and learn all kids of moves, learn some choreography as well as play games and have a chance to freestyle and create their own combos!

The cost is $100 + GST for non community members and $90 + GST for those who are members of the WMCL.

Hoops will be provided.

Registration on now!


Hoop Dreaming! Fire: The Action Realm


Each week as we countdown to the Hoop Dreaming Retreat, March 29th to 31st, 2019 in Edmonton, Alberta, we will be sharing with you a video with you containing a brief introduction to an element that we will be dancing with on our weekend journey.

We began with Earth, the physical realm last week. Earth creates a sacred container for the element of Fire which is the action realm. We will be dancing with both on Friday night, the first night of the retreat. They create a beautiful synergy!

Kacie with more on the element of fire, here. 

Check back each week for more on each element. More details about Hoop Dreaming can be found here:



Hoop Dreaming: Intro to Earth


For our six week countdown to Hoop Dreaming, happening March 29th to 31st, 2019, we will be uploading a new video each week introducing the Elements. Each element: Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Spirit has a corresponding inner realm. We will dance with each to glean personal messages of wisdom.

We will begin on Friday night with the Element of Earth, which represent the physical realm outside us, within us and all around us. It is the planet, our bodies, homes, support systems, finances, and stability. Each participant will have a chance to pull an oracle card message from each element, starting with Earth.

Kacie has a message from Earth to you, here in this video.

Detailed info about Hoop Dreaming can be found here:






Solstice Hoop Dreaming Contest


Following the rhythm of the wheel of the year is a powerful creation tool. Each Solstice, Equinox and Cross-quarter point of the year contains manifestation magic. That’s why they have been celebrated in every culture around the world since the dawn of history.

The upcoming winter solstice is the perfect time to get cozy, go deep and listen to your heart. What is your heart’s desire? How do you want to feel? What is it that you are yearning to create in the next year?

You can plant the seeds with your intention, burying them deep within your heart on the longest night of the year. Then,  come and Dance them into Being, just after the spring Equinox, at Hoop Dreaming, the three day hoop journey in Edmonton (March 29th -31st, 2019).

Dancing is one of the most powerful ways of taking something from the spiritual, mental and emotional realms and grounding it into the physical. When you dance with your conscious intention you can take a dream and begin creating it into reality.

We want you to tell us how you will be supporting your soul and  listening to your heart this winter solstice and in exchange you have a chance to win a ticket to Hoop Dreaming!

Contest Details:

1.Like our Facebook Page Dancing Into Being: Movement Arts & Healing

2.Share our event Hoop Dreaming: 3 Days of Hoop Dance  with hashtag #HoopDreamingSolsticeContest   and tell us how you will be celebrating this winter solstice. Will you be gather in community or making sacred space to dream in quiet solitude?

Contest closes at Midnight on December 21st. A winner will be selected at random and will be awarded a ticket to Hoop Dreaming (Mar 29th-31st, 2019). No cash value, but the ticket may be gifted to another soul if  the winner cannot attend.  Must be 18 or older to enter.


Happy Solstice Dreaming!



Hoop Dreaming: 3 Days of Hoop DANCE!

Me Living My Dreams in Bali photo by Cadencia Photography

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming event: Hoop Dreaming!

This will be our first three day hoop intensive, March 29th- 31st, 2019 hosted in Edmonton by Kacie Beluse Knight.

We will be diving deep into the DANCE of creation, blending hoop technique and flow with conscious dance.  The elemental forces of creation; Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit will be our guides. These elements of our outer world mirror our inner world, representing the physical, mental, emotional, action and expressive realms within us.

There will be badass hooping along with a leveling up of the connection between your body, mind and soul as we dance our dreams into being.

Early Bird tickets on sale now:

More details about the event can be found here.



New Movement Arts & Healing Fall Series

We are beyond excited to be partnering up with Stephanie (Aurora Flowrealis) for a new Fall series on Thursdays, from 7-8 pm Oct 4- Nov 22, 2018 at West Meadowlark Hall.

From Hip Hop and Hula hooping to Conscious Dance, Prop Manipulation and Movement Meditation, each class will have a different focus allowing us to explore new pathways of movement in fun and unique ways. Moving in new ways builds confidence, reduces stress, increases neuro-plasticity, improves mood, increases fitness, allows for creative self-expression and is a whole lot of fun.

$10 per class for WMCL Members, $15 per class for non-members

Register online

No experience necessary, just come with comfortable clothes and an open mind. Each class can stand alone as a one-time drop-in experience, but themes and skills from each class will build on the preceding class, culminating in a celebratory disco party on our last night.