Monthly Archives: February 2015

Spring Hoop Dance Series With Infinity Hoopdance

Photo by Cadencia Photography
Photo by Cadencia Photography

This spring, we’re happy to be joining forces with Infinity Hoopdance, teaching her weekly hoop dance series while Nina is out traveling and gathering new hoop dance and facilitation skills to bring back to Edmonton.

The beginner class is SOLD OUT (contact Nina to be placed on the waitlist) but there are still spaces left in the Intermediate and Advanced class.

I’m so excited to share a weekly space with beautiful hooperbeings. We will be exploring lots of interesting tricks, but more importantly to me, hoop dance concepts.

There is so much more to moving with a hoop than just trick and techniques. We will dive into self expression, storytelling and

flow using 7 elements as an archetypal structure and guide on our seven week journey. Through the series we will play with the concepts of earth, air, water, fire, space, light and sound. These elements will inform what we focus on each day.

I can’t wait to dance with you!

BEGINNER HOOPDANCE: (SOLD OUT: Contact Nina for waiting list)
Thursdays, March 19 – April 30 from 6 – 7:30pm

Thursdays, March 19 – April 30 from 7:45 – 9:30 pm

All classes will be at King Edward Park Hall (7708-85 St) near Whyte Ave/Bonnie Doon

These classes fill up fast. Reserve your space here!

Check out the event on facebook as well

My Drug of Choice: Love

By Katanna Tatz
By Katanna Tatz

I got more work done on my cosmic ascension butterflies tattoo the other day (Butterflies with motherf***** stars in them, Yo!)

While I’m so happy to be putting this symbolic art on my body because it’s thrilling, exciting and awesome,  it’s also kinda painful. That’s the beauty of tattoos. They, like so many other of the good things in life (the things worth doing) require some pain before you get to the beauty.

You have to suffer for this particular art, at least, a little bit.

It actually didn’t hurt as much as the first session, where one of the butterflies on my shoulder blade was right over a nerve bundle that made my leg spasm.

This was still a little unpleasant though, as repeatedly scrapping your skin with needles to inject ink tends to be. I wanted to be present for the process, rather than checked out, which was really my only option since I don’t happen to have any crazy painkillers (although if you happen to want to share, I can give you my mailing address).

Anyway, as I love to experiment (and had little else to do), I played with several different kinds of meditation and mental games to play with the pain.

I tried various relaxation, self hypnosis and breathing techniques which definitely helped, I did some Reiki on myself, which seemed difficult, and I also let my mind wander, which was the most enjoyable when I relaxed enough to really dive into my imagination. I wound up flying around in the field of stars that was being tattoo’d on me, but that only worked for a little while (it was fun while it lasted though)

My cosmic flight came to an end and I came back into my body when I needed to shift positions and stretch. I couldn’t quite get back there, and was wondering where else to visit  when a mental picture of a friend randomly popped into my head.  I spontaneously sent that person all my love both from my heart and  from a cosmic source that’s easily tapped into. I saw them covered in these brilliant wavy cartoon like lines and triangles of light, and could tell they were just soaking it up.

Another friend popped into my mind and I sent them all my love as well, seeing it, and feeling it deeply. I noticed then that the pain had faded way into the background, as things are wont to do when you are no longer focusing on them.

So, I kept at it for quite some time, sending love and light to my family, my friends, different places and finally the whole world. As I was absorbed in my love, I barely felt the tattoo.. What I did feel was warm fuzzies, all over, like being cocooned in a love blanket.

I’m sure distracting myself in any way would help with pain, but sending love was more than just a distraction. It gave me something constructive to do, something to focus on. We all talk about love and light a lot. So much so, that I think it’s easy to forget their awesome power. I’m super grateful for this experience reminding me again, that they are the best drugs. As the master philosopher’s in The Beatles sang: Love is all you need. Unless you have access to good pharmaceuticals. They would probably help too.

The Secret To Raising Your Vibration: Being Nice

By Fabrice Florin, under Cc by SA 3.0
By Fabrice Florin, under Cc by SA 3.0

Being nice holds the key to the highest dimensions in the universe. It’s how you raise your vibration, which seems to be everyone’s goal these days as we talk of the approaching ascension of humanity.

The funny thing is, it’s not about just being nice to others. In fact, that’s secondary to being nice to yourself.

I’m still working on being there 100%, but it has been one of my main goals as of late. That’s why my focus has been on radical self care, self love and loving kindness and compassion to one’s own self. My work as of late, my workshops, one on one sessions and retreats often have this focus, because honestly, I don’t think there’s anything more important in the world. I have learned through trial and error, and especially during my year of listening to my body that radical self care,  and supporting the self care of other light workers is my mission on earth.

Every being in the cosmos is a beautiful, sparkly, radiant being made of light. We forget that sometimes while we’re down here in the mud. Remembering that our only real duty as humans is to shine our light, as brightly as we can has brought it all into focus… We get there through loving kindness, otherwise known as being nice. Nice doesn’t always sound like much, but trust me it’s the key to it all…

You don’t have to take my word for it though, here is an amazing video from Matt Khan, from True Divine Nature, who always takes whatever my soul is experiencing and describing it far more eloquently (and with less cursing, but just as much humor) as I would. Using metaphors of bank accounts and sailing ships, Matt breaks down how being nice to yourself gives you access to the keys  to the universe (which is dressed up as the innocent child in your heart who happens to hold said key).

Here is more magic from the Love Revolution and the secret to raising your vibration in one simple step:

I can’t recommend watching this video and subscribing to his newsletter and facebook page enough. Matt is a master, constantly sharing the highest spiritual wisdom in down to earth, easy to understand ways. He is a Leader in the Love Revolution, and a guide to the first wave of ascension of humanity to the fifth dimension. His wisdom come directly from source, the highest realms and is really nothing but love speaking in human form.

All my love to you all, to your hearts and to mine.

Viva the Love revolution ❤


PS- If you’re interested in wanting to do something nice for yourself, and for your heart, you might want to check out our Radiant Soul Retreat. Attending is an act of radical self care, loving kindness and supreme niceness.