Monthly Archives: December 2014

Dreaming Bigger In 2015

By ChezeArt Cc by 3.0
By ChezeArt Cc by 3.0

This morning, the last morning of this amazing year of transition, 2014, I received a message from the universe:

I want you to know, Kacie, that I’ve ordered up another year for you.

Think I’ll call it 2015.

I’m going to put most of the same people from 2014 in it, since you all think so much alike. But there’ll also be a few new, very cool cats coming to play – give them some time to grow up though.

And I’m going to have things start off pretty much exactly where they left off in 2014, for continuity’s sake. Flips folks out too much when I don’t.

All in all, 365 more days in paradise and only one request of you:



Let’s do this,
The Universe

My dreams have already getting bigger and bigger, so it’s nice to know the universe is on my side. Honestly, I can feel it.

A week ago I closed one chapter in my life (quitting my serving job), to make room in my life for other opportunities to rush in. I had enough to teaching gigs as an Artist In Residence to keep me going for a couple  months, and I wanted to devote the rest of my time my own business, Dancing Into Being Movement and Healing Arts. Within hours of giving my notice, I was offered a great gig for New Years Eve (Tonight, I’ll be dancing with Fire Inspired at Winston Churchill Square, come check it out!)

I also sent my desire to have two week long residencies a month till the end of the school year out into the universe a few days later. On Christmas eve, my wish came true (and I got a raise to boot, Merry Christmas to me!).

Once you make a decision, with a pure heart and pure intention, the universe conspires to make it happen.

This is creation magic that anyone can do. The universe is infinitely abundant, and just waiting for you to release your resistance so it can help you create every one of your dreams into reality. Throughout the year, I’ll be sharing as many tips and tricks  for creation and manifestation as I can though this blog to help you create the life of your dreams. If you’d like more help, contact me at to book a creation coaching session, available in person in Alberta, or via Skype.


Seriously folks, 2015 is the time to go for it! Dream big, find inspiration everywhere and have some fun with it!!!!

If you’re not already getting your own notes from the universe, you can sign up for your dose of daily inspiration at 

These are written by the universe’s mouthpiece (just one of the infinite number of them), Mike Dooley. His main premise is that thoughts become things, so choose good ones.

What are you choosing to dream and dance into being in 2015?

Deepening Darkness, Preparing Us For The Light!

cc by 3.0
cc by 3.0


It’s dark so early here now. The sun was setting as I was driving home around 3:30pm yesterday. It’s probably not quite so drastic where you live, unless you are one of the few souls in the world who lives farther north than me (Edmonton is the most northern city of over a million people in the world!)

Anyway, this deepening darkness makes me sleepy. I feel this urge to slow down, to crawl under warm fuzzy blankets and hibernate, with cat/husband cuddles and Netflicks. I’m OK with this, especially now that I know that it’s only natural to have the desire to turn inward and slow down as we approach the darkest, longest night of the year. The challenge has been that my work schedule at the restaurant goes into overdrive at this time of the year with longer hours, crazier shifts, more hauling of furniture. It’s always tough, but this year, the light at the end of the tunnel  has been that by the end of this week, I’M DONE and I never have to do it again!


2 more days, and I’ll be hanging up my apron and tie for good. I’ll be waking up on the morning of the Solstice no longer employed my favorite fine dining establishment. After 12 years in the hospitality industry in one form or another, working evenings and weekends, eating at odd hours, smiling outwardly while cursing the ignorance of some people inwardly, I’m finally moving on.

I still have my work as an Artist in Residence, with Dani Alitiere Inc, teaching gymnastics, dance and acrobatics at elementary schools in the city, which is part time, contract work, but now I’ll have the room in my life to focus on my own projects like finding a publisher for my book(s) and building my business, Dancing Into Being Movement and Healing Arts.

The timing could not have been more organically divine.

I wound up giving my notice on the last full moon without realizing it. The full moon is the perfect time to release any old energy, and to give up whatever is no longer serving you. This creates room in your life for all the fresh new energy and experiences you’re ready to bring in.

December 21st this year, my first day as a free agent rather than an employee, is also the perfect day to begin my new life. It’s both the winter solstice, with the sun and new moon moving into Capricorn. The solstice is a potent time to plant the seeds of what you want to create with your intention throughout the coming year, and the new moon is always a fantastic time to set your intention for creation as well. These two energies coupled with the earthy, builder’s archetype of Capricorn make for the powerful window for creation we’ve seen (and will see) for quite some time!

This all lined up for me without my conscious intention, which seems to happen more and more since my training with the elemental forces of creation as a coach and priestess with Lisa Michaels, who offers an amazing variety of programs sharing nature’s creation secrets for life and business success (hint: there’s lots of dancing involved)   I laugh every time I notice my life is in step with the natural rhythm of the wheel of the year, because I felt separate from nature for so much of my life. Finding myself inadvertently in harmony with it all makes me feel divine, infinitely supported. Adding my conscious intention to these forces makes me feel like a magical being, it’s amazing what you can accomplish when you work with the elemental forces of creation!

To take full advantage of the power of creation during these next few days, I’m spending my time dreaming as much as I can about what I want my life to look like. Then on Sunday and Monday, I will take these dreams and turn them into seeds with my intention. I will plant them, my hopes, dreams, goals and wildest desires, deep within my heart and soul. Then I’m going to breathe, sing, and dance them into being using the ecstatic energy of the New Year’s festivities to add extra oomph to my creations. As the new year begins, I plan on ceremonially honoring my new life and all the gorgeous energy 2015 brings.

This next year is going to be a stellar one.

So even though you might be busy as can be this week, why not take advantage of these dark times and their potent creation potential?

Slow down as much as you can, dream your dreams in the dark stillness. See it clearly in your mind. Set your intentions; write them down, or draw them. Light a candle, drum or dance. Honor yourself as a vessel through which the universe creates beautiful things. Know that you light up the world with your radiance as you joyfully share your gifts! It’s time to let your light shine!

Me, being all shiny in Bali. Photo by Cadencia Photography