Monthly Archives: November 2015

Sweat Your Prayers, Dance For Peace


Last week, I attended a beautiful meditation for world peace on November 11th, 2015. Two days later the Western world was rocked when the terrorists attacked Paris (I only heard about the earlier Beirut attacks after that).

It was so difficult to wrap my mind around.  Violence in the Middle East always seems so far removed, but Paris…. I grew up learning all about France, in school, in countless movies and books, through the food I eat and the wine I drink. I have spent time there, and since I speak French, I feel a kinship with the place, in a way I don’t always feel with the far flung reaches of the globe where I’ve never been.

The news of the attacks hit me, and a whole lot of people I know hard. I cried, and wondered how it could happen, why and how could we stop it from happening again? What can we do? I became more educated about what has been happening in other areas of the world, the things our media doesn’t always report and my heart grew heavier still. Then people began reacting in fear,  with many condemning the people who need our compassion the most and my heart felt like it might break.

I refuse to let this harden my heart, or to change what I believe. I know that peace is possible, but we will never defeat darkness and hate with more of the same. Only light can drive out the darkness and only love can conquer fear and hate. This world needs more love, not less. More compassion, not less. More understanding of each others humanity, not alienation and xenephobia.

These terrorists use, well, terror because their hearts are hurting so badly that lashing out in anger is the only thing that might bring them some relief from the pain of their lives. How many of us can even comprehend suffering of that magnitude. Their pain is immense and must seem practically insurmountable.

I, and so many of the people around me are lucky enough to have lives filled with joy and love. Our basic needs are beyond met and we have the room in our lives for fun, and creative self expression. Heck, I get to dance for a living, and dancing is my living praying. It’s how I connect with all that is. It fills me up with so much love and joy that it just burst out of me.

I am lucky enough to be able to facilitate this joyful movement for others as well. In my Hoop Flow class last night, our theme was Dancing Your Essence. We were moving with the intention of expressing our unique light. We moved through several exercises, including Sway and some blindfolded hoopdance, and went into a 25 minute dance journey with a wide variety of music, allowing our bodies to move and interpret the tracks in whatever way authentically arose. We moved through melancholy, desperate, sad music into the hopeful, happy and joyful. You could feel the energy in the room shift, and the happier the music, the higher the vibration. People were grinning from ear to ear, myself included as I felt overwhelmed with gratitude for this kind of healing tool .

After a short rest, we concluded our dance journey with a song dedicated to world peace. With our intention, we filled up our hearts with so much love that it just couldn’t be contained, and then sent it out into the world around us. This was the track we danced to:

We can begin to change the world by starting with our own hearts. First emptying them out, through our movement, sweat and tears. Then filling them up with so much love and light that it just spills out of you. Then from that place of fullness, you can go out into the world to do your work. Obviously it isn’t enough to just pray and dance. There is work to do on the ground. This is how I start though. This is how I do my healing work for my own heart, filling it with love, music, movement, joy, compassion, community and gratitude. This is also part of my work out in the world. Helping others fill  up their hearts, filling up their cup so it’s overflowing with love, so they too can go out into the wider world and meet all those they meet with love as well, treating each person with dignity, respect and compassion.

It starts right here, and begins with you.  Paraphrasing the wise words of Gabrielle Roth, healing happens when you lovingly move through your pain, sweat your prayers and let go of the past. Once we have done this, our hearts are open, full of love and  we can work together to create peace on earth.



11:11 Meditation For World Peace & Scorpio New Moon

by enokson cc by 3.0
by enokson cc by 3.0

Today, November 11th, is Remembrance Day.  The day we honor all those who have served our country, and all those who have been affected by war.

Many of us have the day off, but regardless, I hope that we all take some time today to sit in stillness, even just for a minute, in meditation or prayer, thinking of world peace.

It’s not as far fetched as one might think. While our media showers us with images of violence and war constantly, the world is actually more peaceful now than it may have ever been. We are now so interdependent, and connected, growing more so every day that for many nations it would be unthinkable to go to war against each other. The European Union is a great example. We are slowly getting there, and the more loving, peaceful intention we send out into the world, the faster it will happen.

Today is also the Scorpio new moon.  A new moon is a powerful time to set an intention, but this Scorpio new moon is  “….creating an opening for us to shapeshift into a new form. Scorpio embodies the cycle of transformation and her magic medicine teaches us how to shed outmoded forms of being in order to rise to new heights.” – Mystic Mamma

As we meditate and pray for world peace,  we must recognize that change comes from within. Indeed, our inner worlds are all that we can control, and  inner peace and self mastery at the individual level is how we get to world peace on the global scale.

You as an individual have the power to create this shift on a global scale. What happens in our hearts sends ripples out into the world around us. As within, so without.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world” -Mahatma Ghandi

Join us today, as we use the energy of the stars and our collective consciousness to wish, pray, hope and believe in peace, for all of humanity.





November/December Hoopdance


Photo by Cadencia Photography
Photo by Cadencia Photography

We’re so excited to be teaching weekly hoopdance classes once again with Infinity Hoopdance! There are 4 classes to choose from, something for every hooper!

On Monday nights we will be at our beautiful new location, Meadowlark Community Hall, with gorgeous high ceilings and surround sound!

There will be a beginner class from 6:00-7:30 and our new multi level flow class from 7:45- 9:15!  Beginner classes will The multi level class will have less emphasis on tricks, with more exercises designed to help you dance your essence and find your flow.

We will still be running our Thursday night classes at King Edward Hall in Bonnie Doon, with the beginner class running from 6:00 pm to 7:30, and the Intermediate/Advanced class from 7:45 to 9:15. The intermediate/advanced class is suitable for anyone who has taken two beginner series, or is quite comfortable with off and on body tricks.

All classes have an emphasis on deepening your connection to your body, mind and soul, offering you opportunities to dance your essence, while partnering with your hoop. Every class will begin with a short centering meditation, guided movement exercises, instruction on new tricks and some jam time to simply dance and play!