Monthly Archives: November 2018

Hoop Dreaming: 3 Days of Hoop DANCE!

Me Living My Dreams in Bali photo by Cadencia Photography

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming event: Hoop Dreaming!

This will be our first three day hoop intensive, March 29th- 31st, 2019 hosted in Edmonton by Kacie Beluse Knight.

We will be diving deep into the DANCE of creation, blending hoop technique and flow with conscious dance.  The elemental forces of creation; Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit will be our guides. These elements of our outer world mirror our inner world, representing the physical, mental, emotional, action and expressive realms within us.

There will be badass hooping along with a leveling up of the connection between your body, mind and soul as we dance our dreams into being.

Early Bird tickets on sale now:

More details about the event can be found here.

