Monthly Archives: February 2014

Compassionate Pisces- Softening My Gaze

New Moon, cc by 2.0
New Moon, cc by 2.0

We’re moving into a soft and dreamy Pisces new moon while the Sun is also in Pisces. Double the Pisces, double the love!

Pisces is the sign of the compassionate Bodhisattva, where the highest ideals of service to humanity are expressed. It’s the last sign of the zodiac, and the one with the highest vibrational attunement. Working in the Pisces realm means working with absolute divine love, Christ Consciousness and the ascended masters like Quan Yin, the goddess of compassion. Basically with our double Pisces energy right now, we’re being bombarded with universal love.

I know I can feel it… I’ve been pretty hard on myself lately for some reason, falling back into my perfectionist tendencies, and I’ve been beating myself up for these perceived imperfections. I know better, but that just becomes another reason to judge myself harshly :”You of all people should know better!” exclaims my inner monoluge! I had been berating myself for weeks,  but finally had a respite and I felt my inner voice soften over the last day or two. Suddenly I was able to see myself with the compassionate gaze I had been missing for sometime. My heart softened and I recognized that more than any harsh words, what I needed more than anything was loving compassion. I spent some time today sending these loving, compassionate and appreciative thoughts to my heart and to my body. It felt fantastic, as though a knot of tension I’d been carrying for weeks just melted away.

I want to invite you to soften your gaze as well, and see yourself through that lens of loving kindness and compassion. See just how beautiful you really are, and how you’re doing a such wonderful job. You’re learning exactly what you came here to learn, and you are perfect in your gloriously imperfect humanity.

I find it easy to see the rest of the world through this lens. I adore and admire every person on this planet for being brave enough to come down to this difficult place to learn all they can. Turning this loving gaze inward is what’s hard. I often hold myself to impossible standards that I would never set for anyone else. But today and in this new moon window, I’m trying! I’m feeling the freedom that comes from releasing myself from whatever unloving thoughts and self talk I was holding and replacing them with love. Nothing good comes from judging ourselves harshly.

As soon as we are all able to soften our gaze with loving compassion, we begin to really love ourselves  exactly as we are. This unconditional self love allows our inner radiance to shine more brightly, which in turn inspires others to do the same and makes the world a more loving place. It’s one of the easiest, yet most challenging things to do in the world, but we can take advantage of this new moon energy to plant the seeds of loving compassion everywhere we need in our lives, including our perceptions of ourselves. This is one way we can effect real change in the world, by starting right at home, by loving ourselves.

Me in Bali- photo by Cadencia Photography
Me in Bali- photo by Cadencia Photography

Happy Imbolc!!!

by prairiekitten cc by 2.0
by prairiekitten cc by 2.0


Today, February 3rd is the exact astrological date for this cross-quarter point on the wheel of the year (although many celebrate Imbolc on Feb 1st or 2nd every year). We’re halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The days are getting longer and brighter. Although this is the Gaelic start to spring, there are no signs of it up here in Edmonton, but with the light, comes hope and we know that eventually, the snow and ice will melt. I have friends who are already planning their gardens, which is a perfect project in this energy.

Imbolc means “in the belly”, referring to the pregnant flocks of sheep at this time, ripe with possibility for the spring.  It’s also called St. Brighid’s Day, honoring the Celtic triple Goddess Brighid who represents the three female energies of mother, maiden and crone. She is a goddess of renewal, healing, purification, fertility, abundance, rebirth, and new beginnings (amongst other things). To honor her is to honor these aspects of ourselves.

When I stepped outside yesterday, I felt a softness in the air, and peace and joy just bubbled up inside of me. I had been reading recently about the recalibration of energy on the planet that is happening now, including the recalibration of Gaia and the crystalline grid (which stores the emotional memories of humanity on the planet). In the past, the grid has been biased to remember the heavier emotions; suffering, sorrow, anger and hate. If you were energetically sensitive, you could feel this in the land. If you stood in a battle field, you would know and feel the heavy density of the energy there.

Now, as we’re moving into a new energy and consciousness on the planet, the grid is being re calibrated so it is skewed to holding and remembering the light and the higher vibrations of consciousness and emotions. The more light we shine on to the planet, the better it will feel as places all over the crystalline grid become charged with higher vibrations.

It felt perfectly fitting to feel this energy seeping out of the earth during the beginnings of spring. So much hope and possibility for the future.

This a beautiful time to purge out some of the winter darkness from our hearts and minds and to start germinating the seeds we planted at the Winter Solstice. Not a bad time to do some house cleaning, physically or emotionally. Getting rid of clutter, body, mind and soul frees up our creative energy, which is gathering strength with the growing light. You can use this energy to charge your dreams and creative endeavors with what they’ll need to be fruitful going forward in your life.