Hoop Dreaming: Intro to Spirit


Hoop Dreaming is just two weeks away, happening in Edmonton, March 29th to 31st, 2019. Each week we have introduced one of the elements we will be journeying with in a quick video. This week, Kacie shares about the element of Spirit, here. This is the spark, or ineffable essence around us, and within us. You could call it soul, spirit, spark, divine  or fuzzy bit.  It is the thing that makes us ourselves, and alive.  As we dance with spirit, we will be practicing sustained spinning, which brings us in greater alignment with the universe and ourselves. When are in stillness, everything else in the universe is in motion around us, and even the molecules inside us are still spinning. Spinning ourselves, like whirling dervishes places us in alignment with all that is.

We will also be dancing in ways that allows us to dance our own essence . We each have our own perfectly unique movement style and allowing our spirits to be leaders in our dance lets this essence out to play and celebrate.

Find more information about Hoop Dreaming here.

Tickets are on sale now, $111 + GST for the weekend, available here.

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