Monthly Archives: December 2018

Solstice Hoop Dreaming Contest


Following the rhythm of the wheel of the year is a powerful creation tool. Each Solstice, Equinox and Cross-quarter point of the year contains manifestation magic. That’s why they have been celebrated in every culture around the world since the dawn of history.

The upcoming winter solstice is the perfect time to get cozy, go deep and listen to your heart. What is your heart’s desire? How do you want to feel? What is it that you are yearning to create in the next year?

You can plant the seeds with your intention, burying them deep within your heart on the longest night of the year. Then,  come and Dance them into Being, just after the spring Equinox, at Hoop Dreaming, the three day hoop journey in Edmonton (March 29th -31st, 2019).

Dancing is one of the most powerful ways of taking something from the spiritual, mental and emotional realms and grounding it into the physical. When you dance with your conscious intention you can take a dream and begin creating it into reality.

We want you to tell us how you will be supporting your soul and  listening to your heart this winter solstice and in exchange you have a chance to win a ticket to Hoop Dreaming!

Contest Details:

1.Like our Facebook Page Dancing Into Being: Movement Arts & Healing

2.Share our event Hoop Dreaming: 3 Days of Hoop Dance  with hashtag #HoopDreamingSolsticeContest   and tell us how you will be celebrating this winter solstice. Will you be gather in community or making sacred space to dream in quiet solitude?

Contest closes at Midnight on December 21st. A winner will be selected at random and will be awarded a ticket to Hoop Dreaming (Mar 29th-31st, 2019). No cash value, but the ticket may be gifted to another soul if  the winner cannot attend.  Must be 18 or older to enter.


Happy Solstice Dreaming!