
Photo by Aksarnerk- cc by 3.0
Photo by Aksarnerk- cc by 3.0

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.” According to Martha Graham. I couldn’t agree more. We can express so much more subtlety and nuance with movement. Body language is much more effective at expressing emotion and truth when compared to the limits of symbolic language, spoken or written. Dance is an art form, a means of self expression, and a method of communication. Dance allows a story to be told, culture to be expressed, traditions to be upheld, emotions to be set free…

It can be ritualistic, choreographed or as wild and free as the wind. Dance can be done by one or many, and it can unite us together in one movement, one rhythmic pulse or be as chaotic as fire or an earthquake.

We dance to celebrate. To mourn. To connect to the divine. To flirt, to woo, to soothe a fussy child. We use dance to speak what words can’t express.

“We come spinning out of nothingness, gathering dust like stars. The stars form a circle and in the center, we dance.”- Rumi

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