Monthly Archives: January 2014

Aquarius (Super) New Moon- Let Your Freak Flag Fly!


On January 30th, we have another super new moon, the second this year. It just happens to be in Aquarius, the archetypal transcendental sign of new ideas and heightened consciousness.  How exciting! The energy this new moon brings is full of powerful transformation, openness and new adventures. Aquarius is an Air sign, bringing uplifting energy, visionary perspective and an increased power to our focus and intentions.

Mystic Mama always collects the most wonderful astrological  insights and I love everything about this post describing the joyous energy we’re moving into right away. Kelly Rosano’s message revved me up:

The Aquarius New Moon represents freedom and liberation. Liberate your mind first and your freedom will follow. Aquarius reminds you to follow the beat of your own drum. Be unique. Be original. Be who you really are. Take a walk on the weird side of life. You may find a part of yourself that has been begging for expression….  

….You may break free from bad habits and relationships. You could awaken to your divine destiny. You are no longer distracted by fear and doubt. You are ready to be who you were born to be. You are prepared to stand in your divine power and shine your light. This energy promotes your creative self-expression…”

How perfectly apropos. This weekend I attended a Kryon conference (which was amazing, as always) and received an intuitive message from a group member during an exercise which seemed timely with this exciting Aquarian energy. She said “Now is the time to make the great leap forward!” My reply was a simple “Ok, will do!” I feel  completely ready to take that leap. My connection to spirit and our true divine nature is stronger than ever. I have no doubts about surrendering to whatever comes after this leap. No fear in my heart, just excitement about what’s to come. I’m so ready. Bring it!

If you’re reading this, know that it’s your time to shine brave lightworker. It’s ok to let your freak flag fly. Be yourself, be free and be gloriously happy. The more authentic you are to yourself, the more light you shine. The more you shine, the more we light up the world.

Have fun, do whatever feels right, regardless of how random, silly or completely mundane it is. Feed your soul by exploring your own truth, which will be different from my own, and from everyone else’s. It’s time to live the life of your dreams and have more fun than you could have ever imagined doing it!

Me Living My Dreams in Bali photo by Cadencia Photography
Me Living My Dreams in Bali photo by Cadencia Photography

Full Moon In Cancer- Feel The Feelings

I’ve never been entirely comfortable in the watery emotional realms.

I’m more of an fire and earth kind of gal. Air is cool too, but feelings, well… They made me uncomfortable. It’s taken years of active personal and spiritual work to get to a place where I not only appreciate feelings as an important part of the human experience, but actually as a good thing rather than just an irritating inconvenience one had to put up with in exchange for being able to play in human form.

Now I understand their role and I’m grateful for how much they teach us.

Today I received an email newsletter from the wonderful hoop dancer/yogi and wild woman Shakti Sunfire that had some beautiful words about the Cancer Full Moon:

“The Cancer Full Moon on January 15-16 speaks to the power of your emotions. Feelings are your indicators. Feelings show you that you are on the right path. Feelings demonstrate what is true for you. You create music, art and writing from the passion of your feelings. Cancer rules feelings. Cancer is about your soul power. You are being asked to pull up your personal power. Allowing your feelings to guide you because your feelings are your truth. Being balanced in your male and female energy will empower you.” -Words of wisdom from the luminous Kelley Rosano.

I love how simple Kelley makes it. “Feelings are your indicators”. You feel good, great! Do more of what makes you feel good. Feeling bad? This is an indicator something has to change in your life. Maybe it’s the situation, or maybe just your perception or attitude about the situation needs to change. You can’t control how you feel, which is what makes feelings such valuable indicators of your reality, as you see it.

The cultural emphasis has been on logic, reason and other yang ways of knowing for so long that the more intuitive and feeling side of knowledge has been devalued and often completely disregarded. Feelings aren’t imperical. They can’t be fully measured or even understood completely by anyone outside of the personal who is feeling them. Feelings are indicators of our own personal truth and that’s what makes them dangerous and subversive to the norm. They encourage individual exploration of what is true and right for the individual.

Nothing is more universal AND individual than the way we feel.

This full moon is a fantastic time to take stock of your own emotions. In order to do this, you have to slow down, and take the time to turn inward for long enough to explore how you feel.Once you’ve tuned into this vulnerable part of yourself, nurture it in whatever way feels best to you. Find a way to creatively express your feelings, and if they are guiding you to make any changes in your life, let the full moon help you gracefully release what is no longer serving you, to make room for a more beautiful possibility.

2014 – The Year Of Radical Self Love

Happy New Year to you all!!!  I know I’m a little late to the party, but the month had a busy start!

I spend the first few hours of 2014 in Cuba, swimming naked in the ocean under the stars with some friends. It was one of the most magical and sublime nights of my life.

The early morning air had just enough chill to make the water feel like it was hugging you with it’s warmth. When I wasn’t giggling, and jumping through waves, I was looking up at the stars. I wanted to get lost in them, but then a wave would knock into me and I would start to pay attention to the ocean again. I felt completely safe and utterly cradled in Gaia’s arms. I was as full of gratitude as I have ever been.

While we were frolicking and cavorting in the water, my husband (my hero) was bribing a guard to keep us from getting kicked out of the resort! Apparently night swimming is frowned upon, but the ocean was full of New Year’s Eve reveler’s.

It was the perfect way to start a new year. Completely at home in my body, in the ocean even in another part of the world. It was one of those transcendental experiences where you feel the deepest connection to everything as part of yourself. Perfectly fitting for my theme for the year, Radical Self Love. Last year’s theme of Radical Self Care taught me so much and I’ll continue to glean lessons from my body for the rest of my days, but this year I want to focus less on self care and self improvement, and more on sheer loving acceptance of myself as a perfectly imperfect being. It’s not that I’m done with striving for improvement, but I want to relish in loving every part of the process, every part of the journey and every part of myself.

I’m excited to be here, right now, on the other side of the epic year of 2013. Self love,
(which is sounding dirtier the more I type it) in all forms feels like it will help me integrate all the lessons I’ve been plowing through over the last while. I’m keep to slow down a bit and really enjoy. I know I’ll be traveling less, and writing more. I want to write about this last year, so I may not be blogging as much… But I’ll still be thinking of you, and sending you love.