Tag Archives: shambhala

It’s Time To Shine, Radiant Ones!


Astrologically speaking, we spent the last month diving deep into the emotional realms with the archetype of Cancer, a sign ruled by the moon. This was a time to be focused on nurturing, comfort and personal growth. It was the perfect time to do that healing work, and I just so  happened to be in Atlanta with Lisa Michaels, certifying as a Natural Rhythms conscious dance facilitator. It was an amazingly supportive environment for personal growth and I was able to really dig down into the messy stuff and dance it out while I was there. But as a really fiery, earthy person myself, the watery emotional stuff always makes me a bit uncomfortable and although I’m grateful for all the lessons that the realm of feelings impart, I’m also SUPER grateful to be back in my comfort zone!

Today is the start of the Leo new moon, and the sun is also in Leo. Double Leos! What does it mean? Well, Leo is fiery action sign all about self-love, so it’s time to ramp up your radiant inner light! Shining your own light is a gift to the world as it inspires others and gives them permission to do the same! It’s time to celebrate the gorgeous awesome radiant light being who YOU are!

We are constantly receiving messages that we need to contain our fire and our radiance. Humility is a virtue and we don’t want to appear conceited or like we’re showing off. It’s a fine line, for sure and as in all things, we need to strike a balance. But Leo teaches us how to strike that perfect balance by allowing us to use our radiant self love to illuminate the world and make it a better place. It isn’t about showing off, it’s about allowing the light within us to shine as brightly as it can.

This makes this month a spectacular time to focus on illuminating your true self. Let your true essence be seen. The Real You is more inspiring than any image or idea you have about who you “should” be. The Real You is brilliant, and beautiful beyond all imagination. We are, at our core, beings of pure light who have chosen to come into these physical forms to have an experience! We should enjoy our physical bodies as well as our souls! Have fun adorning yours! This is a perfect time to take really good care of this body you’ve decided to inhabit!  There is nothing conceited about making yourself look and feel fantastic!

I’m planning on using this mega double down Leo energy to it’s full potential. I’m wearing more sparkles than usual, and I’m getting a hair cut tomorrow!  I’m also in the process of packing up all my greatest costumes for Shambhala Music Festival, (my happy place) where I’ll be dancing and celebrating my joyful radiant self all weekend, with ten thousand other beautiful, shiny, happy, radiant beings of light, dressed up and having some of their finest human experiences!

