My Lughnasad Harvest: First Draft Complete!!!!

By icely88 cc by SA 3.0
Book Lover By icely88 cc by SA 3.0

Exciting news!!!! With perfect organic timing lining up with the wheel of the year: I finished the first draft of my (first) book!

The book in question is about my 2013 project, where I listened to every message from my body. It’s tentatively titled, Adventures in Radical Self Care.

It was an incredibly epic year, filled with all sorts of crazy unexpected adventures. I challenged myself in a whole bunch of ways and I traveled to sacred places. I learned so much about myself and I hooped. I hooped a lot. I blogged the whole time thankfully, so I was able to base the book loosely on the blog posts, which was a huge help during the writing process. Throughout the course of the year, I also became a Reiki Master, and started the journeys towards becoming a Natural Rhythms Creation Coach and a Priestess (which I finished in the first part of 2014). In those programs, I learned to work consciously with the wheel of the year and take organic, rhythmic steps towards manifesting and creating, working with the elemental forces of creation.

Last year, in the fall, I realized that the book I had always intended to write should be started in January, as soon as my year long project was over. I always wanted to write someday, and when I started the project, writing about it was in the back of my mind, but suddenly writing a book  wasn’t something I would get around to someday. The time came to actually sit down at my desk and really become a writer.  Shit was getting real! During the winter solstice last year, I set the intention to begin writing in the new year and consciously planted the seeds in my mind… I’ve been slowly working on it since then, at a pace that seemed lazy to me, but it was what naturally unfolded. Then, just this week, I wrote the conclusion and afterword. It just so happened to co-inside with the timing of the first harvest festivals Lughnasad (sometimes called Lammas)! How perfect is that? It’s usually celebrated at the beginning of August, but this year, the exact astrological point is August 7th. (The same time I met my husband 6 years ago, so it’s always been a great time for me.)

Lughnasad is the cross quarter point between the summer solstice and the fall equinox and a time when we are just starting to reap the bounty which we have sown and tended to throughout the year. We can start to taste the sweet fruit of whatever we planted. It feels so very perfect, and very human and divine to have this part of the project completed just now. I honestly am so excited that it all lined up so well, ’cause it really feels like I’ve internalized the lessons about timing that I’d been working with so closely. Thank you Lisa Michaels!!! (Best teacher, mentor and facilitator I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with!) She’s so generous with her time, knowledge and experience and I’m so grateful for all the wisdom she’s shared with me over the years.

So, that’s it, it’s really happening, I really did it. I wrote a book! Now it’s on to editing and revising. I’ll do the second draft myself and my sister has so graciously offered to edit as well. Then to find a publisher, or even publish it myself. But it’s really happening!!!!! Whoohooooo!!!

Happy Lughnasad to you all and happy August long weekend! I hope you’re starting to notice your intentional creations come into form!




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