Solstice Self Care Special

Children hack winter street lamp of autumn leaves


As the nights grow longer and the solstice approaches, our natural inclination is to slow down,  spend time relaxing, hibernating and turning inwards. Unfortunately for our natural rhythm, this time of year seems to get busier than ever with all kinds of holiday extras, parties and obligations. We race around  and have less time for ourselves and less time to listen to our inner voices. We typically eat and drink to excess, get less sleep, spend less time outside, and often spend less time on self care, just when we need it most. It’s so easy to fall of out balance.

This December, I want to offer you a way to take some time for yourself, honoring and nurturing your body, mind and soul with a two hour soul reading and energy healing session devoted to re-balancing your essence by tuning into to where you’re at right now, and where your soul wants to head. We’ll use the elemental forces of creation to tap into messages from the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and action realms to find out where you need more focus, or support, and we will align, re-balance and upgrade your energetic field.  Through this process, you will be able to clarify what you want to create  in your life over the next year. This could be anything from greater physical health, better relationships, more abundance, or  perhaps a deeper spiritual practice.

You can then use this clarity to plant the seeds for whatever creation you desire during the upcoming solstice, December 21st. The darkest time of the year is actually the most potent and ripe with creative potential. The intentions you set at this time will germinate, grow and ripen over the course of the year.

This powerful creation magic works best when we are in balance, body, mind and soul. Working with the archetypal forces of Creation: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit allows us to find that balance, and I would be honored to guide you through the process!

This Two-Hour Elemental Solstice Soul Care  Session with me is normally $222, but as my holiday gift to you, and the world, I’m booking a limited number of sessions for $88 (incl. GST).   If you’d like a one of my other sessions, such a soul ceremony, they are 25% off right now!

To book call Kacie at 780-863-5178 or email






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